Panoramic View Of A Beautiful Canadian Landscape During A Sunny Summer Sunset.



The Sitka Foundation is a private foundation as defined by the CRA, with the vast majority of its capital originating from the family, through donations by Ross Beaty, including shares of two Canadian renewable energy companies: Alterra Power Corp., founded by Ross in 2008, and its successor Innergex Renewable Energy. Additional donations into Sitka have been in the form of cash and shares of other Canadian public companies. A few nominal contributions have originated from other Canadian individuals and foundations. No funds have ever come from any government or corporation. These donations, together with capital gains, interest income, and impact and mission-aligned investing form the basis of the philanthropic programs at Sitka.

Mission aligned investing strategy

The Sitka Foundation is committed to a fully activated mission-aligned investment strategy. This means that we believe positive impact is not only generated from our grants, but also from our investments where we can provide positive impact and strong financial returns through a full portfolio commitment to our values. We are invested in a similar fashion to other endowments where we work with external fund managers to achieve, where possible, positive environmental impact from our investments in a variety of asset classes such as public equities, fixed income, infrastructure, real estate, hedge funds, private equity and venture capital. Importantly, we recognize that environmental challenges require innovative solutions and our capital can play an important role in catalyzing early-stage businesses addressing the twin challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss.

Select Sustainable Funds

Select Impact Portfolio


  • What is your investment focus?

    • Investment Size: $500k – $2M, with up to $5M+ of additional investment for thriving companies
    • Investment Type: Equity and Equity-Like (e.g. convertible notes, SAFEs)
    • Company Stage: Early-Stage to Series A onward
    • Exit: 5-10 years
    • Focus: Those aligned with our mission including technologies and services that mitigate and provide positive solutions for climate change, regeneration of our lands and waters, and protection of our natural habitats and species
  • Is mission aligned investing the same as impact investing?

    No, it is not. By being very discerning and clear about our desire to use tools from the same biodiversity-focussed toolbox we are able to activate our whole portfolio towards our mission. This is achieved through a diversified sustainable investing strategy across various asset classes with an ultimate goal to generate strong risk-adjusted returns and positive environmental impact for our entire portfolio.

  • Do you offer concessionary investments?

    No, at this time we are focussed on the activation of our mission-aligned portfolio.

  • Can I invest with the Sitka Foundation?

    At this time you cannot. We do, however, accept donations and always appreciate connections with like minded individuals.